This page lists compatible iPA files and the following top collection of IPAs for TrollStore downloads. Trolls tore is an iPA permersigner tool that works on iOS 15 – iOS 16.6.1 and iOS 17+ versions. The trollStore uses an AMFI/CoreTrust bug; this helps TrollStore to sign the iPA files permanently, so there is no 7-day revoke.
You can use the following list of TrollStore-compatible iPA files to increase your device performance, and those help you with day-to-day life. Also, the following iPA files are 100% free and safe. Our Tweak developers have tested most of the iPA files with the latest iOS versions and iPhone devices.
You can download and install the following iPA files with TrollStore’s permanent iPA installer. Trollstore-compatible iPA files come in.TIPA format. The default iPA file format is.IPA. Both versions of app files work with TrollStore.
Aemulo : v 2.1
Aemulo is an outstanding jailbreak tweak designed to help users seamlessly integrate their most frequently used NCF cards into the iPhone wallet app. Recently, the developer Amy from the Aemulo team released a TiPA file for Trollstore users, allowing you to install this tweak on non-jailbroken devices through Trollstore.