We provide a huge list of the best essential Cydia tweaks for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. you can use these awesome Cydia tweaks after the jailbreak is done. These tweaks are supported for all iOS versions including iOS 13, iOS 14 to iOS 17.4
New Cydia Tweaks for iOS 12.4 – iOS 13.3 For Unc0ver & Checkra1n Jailbroken devices.
Before you begin, you need to jailbreak your device and installed Cydia Store on your iPhone/iPad.
If you didn’t know how to jailbreak your device, please follow these articles.
- iOS 12.4 – iOS 13.3.2 Checkra1n Jailbreak Guide.
- iOS 11 – 12.4 Unc0ver Jailbreak Guide.
- iOS 11 – 12.4 Chimera Jailbreak Guide.
- Older iOS versions jailbreak Guides.
What is Cydia Tweaks & What we can do with Cydia Sore?
Cydia is a famous App in the App Store. people using it to hacked games and applications for free.
Best Free Cydia Tweaks 2020
Top 30 FREE iOS 11 -iOS 13 Jailbreak Tweaks!
- Artisty
- Canvas
- CCModules
- CircleIcons
- Clean Home Screen
- Clean Player
- ColorMyBattery
- DismissAnywhere
- DismissProgress
- DoubleCut
- EasySwitcherX
- Filza FIler Manager
- Flame
- FloatingDock
- HideYourApps
- HideBarX
- Keyboard Accio
- MakeRespringsGreatAgain
- MessageTypingIndicators
- NoDNDBanner
- OhMyFlash
- PasscodeText
- PullToRespring
- RealCC
- SimplePasscodeButtons
- SleepyTime
- SmallSiri
- StatusSwitcher
- SwipeForMore
- TapTapFlip
Top Free Cydia Tweaks
So these tweaks will be compatible with all iOS 12 to iOS 13.2, iOS 13.3 & Apple’s newly released iOS beta versions. After you are jailbroken, Open Cydia Store and Type these free tweaks on the Search bar, and hit Enter.
let’s get started guys
Also, remember some of these Cydia tweaks need additional Repos or Sources. So you have to go into Sources and click on edit add and add the sources on below I mentions.
Ok So, first of all, You need to install CydiaSubstrate and PreferenceLoader. If you are already installed it, please skip this part,
Search CydiaSubstrate and PreferenceLoader and make sure both of these are installed. Because they are mandatory the tweak compatibility.
- Open Cydia =>Sources => Edit=> Add Sources / Repos
Install Cydia substrate
- Search Cydia substrate and Install it( if it already installed, please skip this)
Install Preference Loader.
- Search Preference Loader and Install it( Also if it already installed, please skip this)
How to Check Cydia Tweaks Compatability
Also, this is a Cydia tweak for check compatibility of tweaks.
If the Cydia tweak is compatible with your device, it shows the “Green tick mark” so if you’re on iOS 13 you know you have a lot of tweaks, and you’re not sure which of them are compatible, so there are Green tick mark it shows you the compatibility of tweak.
Be careful if it doesn’t have “Green tick mark” it’s probably not compatible, and some times it will break your device.
First Free Cydia Tweak – TURKEY
It brings a dark mode for the iconic Cydia application. This Cydia tweak Compatible with iOS 11 to iOS 13
- Tweak:👉🏻Turkey (v.0.0.1)
- Author:👤LaughingQuoll
- Repo: 👉🏻https://repo.packix.com/
- Licence:✅Free Package.
- Updated:🌐January 30, 2019
Second Free Cydia Tweak – Swipeformore
It allows you to Install, Remove and Queue Packages in Cydia Quickly.
- Tweak:👉🏻 Swipeformore
- Author:👤
- Repo: 👉🏻 Search – Swipeformore.
- Licence:✅Free Package.
Third Free Cydia Tweak – Dismissprogress
This tweak is going to allow you to do after you’ve installed a tweak or package within Cydia. Usually, Cydia forces you to do a respiring or a reboot on your device, and that’s pretty much what you’ve got to live with.
But this tweak allows you to force respring or reboot after installing the Cydia package and it will enable you to download and install another package without respiring. There are a lot of features you can check that out you can add multiple sources at the same time.
- Tweak:👉🏻 Dismissprogress
- Author:👤
- Repo: 👉🏻 Search – Dismissprogress.
- Licence:✅Free Package.
Fourth Free Cydia Tweak – Letmeknow
Does whenever you place a call, it’s calling right and then it’s like ringing and then when the person takes it up you get no notification.
So what this does is it adds a small half egg feedback when the person attends the call so you know you can call someone and can use your phone until that and then when your phone like gives you that haptic feedback.
- Tweak:👉🏻 Letmeknow
- Author:👤
- Repo: 👉🏻 Search – Letmeknow.
- Licence:✅Free Package.
Fifth Free Cydia Tweak – YouTube Tools
By using this tweak, you can allow background playback without each view premium video, and also you don’t get any ads.
- Tweak:👉🏻 YouTube Tools
- Author:👤
- Repo: 👉🏻 Search – YouTube Tools.
- Licence:✅Free Package.
Tweak Engine –
Best Tweaked Apps Stores
The most used Jailbreak Tweaks and 3rd Party app installer currently available is Tweak Engine. With over 7 million users worldwide, its popularity is without question.
Tweak Engine features over 2,000 applications available for installation.

Tweak Engine bound up for providing the latest version of all tweaks that available. All apps within Tweak Engine are 100% free and install with only the click of a button.
Use the below button to install Tweak Engine.
User Setups

- Sonus13 by @HiMyNameIsUbik
- Viola theme by @bossgfx_
- CozyBadges by @NoisyFlake
- BatteryPercentageX by @ichitaso
- LockWidgets by @ConorTheDev
- HomeBarSizer by @p2kdev
- Thinner by qwertyuiop1379

New age Developer – @mostafa_iq
Package – https://repo.twickd.com/package/com.twickd.mostafa.new-age…

3DBadgeClear Developer – @isklikas
$ – Free
Package – sklikas.3dbadgeclear
Cool Setups –

- #Blackie 3

- BlackOrs 2
- LonSh v2
- VinCent
- BlackOrs
New Cyida Tweaks
Filza Tweak

FILZA is another great iOS 12.4, iOS 13 Jailbreak tweak related to the system-wide file browsing app for your iOS 12.4 – iOS 13 devices, where you can view the entire file system in iOS 12.4.
Also, this Tweak works with all beta versions of Apple’s newly released iOS 13, iOS13.1.2 and iOS 13.
BlurryPaper – FREE

BlurryPaper is a rather fascinating jailbreak tweak.it can make any wallpaper look more interesting with various blur effects.
If you like gorgeous colors but find crisp background images to look too busy behind your Home screen’s icons, then BlurryPaper could be the solution.
It blurs your wallpaper using one of several methods to give your wallpaper a soft, colorful influence over your Home screen.
Bazzi 2 – $2.99

Bazzi 2 is a new jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Blake Boxberger that permits two different types of battery-centric Status Bar customization, including integral battery icon displays and notch-based battery displays.
Apple could have done a lot better with the Status Bar’s battery indicator on notched handsets like the iPhone X, XR, XS, XS Max, and so on.
Fortunately, jailbreak enthusiasts and tweak developers have found a plethora of creative ways to improve it.
Bazzi 2 is just one example, as this tweak can either theme the Status Bar battery icon itself with a numeric indicator in the icon, or it can display various notch-centric battery level indicators instead.
NextUp (iOS 12) – $2.25

iOS’ Now Playing interface is nice, but it’s practically useless outside of traditional music controls. NextUp (iOS 12) changes this by augmenting the native Now Playing interface with music queueing controls.
Ringer13 – $1.29

The ringer/silent HUD is particularly lame pre-iOS 13, and with that in mind, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the jailbreak community is porting iOS 13’s ringer/silent HUD to jailbroken iOS 11-12 devices.
Enter Ringer13, a new jailbreak tweak that does exactly that – effectively ridding the user of that awful mid-screen nuisance that gets in the way of everything when the ringer/silent switch is actuated.
Best Cydia Tweaks For iOS 12
1. iCleaner Pro

Most people will argue that this is a normal application that is used for clearing the storage space of the iOS device.
You must consider the fact that you can download the pro version of this app for free using Cydia. all the essential features of the app are unlocked. It is one of the best Cydia tweaks for iOS 12.
2. Smart LPM

Smart LPM is a tool which stands for low power mode.
It helped to retaining the battery of the device even when the battery is very low. The tool uses different kinds of features and sure that the device doesn’t lose battery faster.
3. Preference Organiser

This Cydia tweaks allows the users to organize their home screen according to their will.
Users can use this application for organizing all the apps on the home screen and can segregate the settings apps and tweaks.
4. Ultra Sound

Ultrasound is one of the amazing Cydia tweaks which helps the users in adjusting the sound quality in Ipone. We can also use this foe I pad.
The customized sound quality seems to be much better than the basic version. Hence, we recommend users to install ultrasound on their device.
5. Boxy 3 Tweak

This is also an awesome Cydia tweak. This is a tool that is essentially made for those who want to customize the themes device.
This tool will help you in customizing the springboard icons. There are many new types of icons available in this app that can be used.
6. Power Selector
This is a tool that has all the functions of a power button listed under a single menu.
Users can restart, power off, clear RAM and boost space using this amazing Cydia tweak.
7. Safari Plus
Safari Plus is a tool that will improve the usability of the Safari Browser.
You can customize the settings of Safari and feed in special guidelines. For instance, users can select the option to clear the data whenever you close the Safari Browser. Moreover, they can also enable full-screen scrolling while surfing on the internet.
8. Notifica
Notifica is an amazing customization tool.
It helps in customizing the entire notification menu of the iOS device. You can edit the banners and design of notification according to your choice.
It includes a change in shape, color, size, and others of the banner that is displayed when a new notification arrives.
9. Appcon
This is a great customization tool which helps the users in customizing the icons on the home screen.
It allows the users to add specific pictures from the library to the icons.
10. Barmoji
For your convenience, we categorize Cydia tweaks
1. JellyFish
2. LeaveMeAlone
3. Asteroid
4. Jumper
5. Scribble
6. lockplus pro
7. Talion
8. Six (LS)
9. Mitsuha Infinity
10. Artsy
11. NextUp 2
12. Sonos
13. Mitsuha Infinity Homescreen
14. Sylph
15. Groovify
16. Artistry
17. Reach It
18. Gesto
19. New Grid Switcher
Dark Mode:
20. Noctis12 / Dune
21. Edge
22. Eclipse Dark Mode
24. better settings
25. circle settings
26. shuffle
Control Center:
27. Duo
28. realcc
29. Sugarcane
30. BetterCCXI
31. Magma
32. Ezswipe
33. power module
34. CoolCC
35. Togglow
Tweaks | |
IGOLED AnimationsBeFast App Admin Boxy 3 Bubbles BytaFont3 Cache Cleaner Clear Dock Clear Folders CCVPN Cowbell Croutons (iOS 9/10) Culvert Cylinder Cylinder Eclipse X EQE Flame Flex3 for iOS 11 Twig TSS Saver Ultrasound Umbreon USAA Bypass Hosts Blocker Watusi 2 Wraith Tools Zenith Zeppelin 4 (iOS 10) System Info | FullMusic11 Glacier Hive Harmony Haystack Hidedots11 iCleaner Pro Icon Renamer Ignite KuaiDial Liberty lite Lithium Mikoto Neptune Noctics12 NoPageDots7 Nougat Folder PM, Really? Power Informer Power Selection PreferenceOrganizer2 No Ads Rocket for Instagram Rooster S8Edge Safari Full URL Saw Shuffle Shy Page Dots Snowboard Sonus Speed Intensifier SpringPlus11 |
The list has been compiled from this Google Docs, so we recommend that you also check this link regularly for newly added compatible tweaks. If there are tweaks that are compatible with iOS 12.1.2 – iOS 12 but not listed above then make sure to let us know in the comments below and we’ll add it.
This is the last addition of best Cydia tweaks for iOS 12.
Top Tweak List
- Activator
- Apple File Conduit “2”
- Assistant +
- Bccxi(weather)
- Capped
- Cercube For YouTube
- Clear Badges3DTouch10
- Compactions CC
- CyDown
- DLEasy
- ExtendedGlyph
- Filza File Manager
- FUGap
- iCaughtU 12
- IntelligentPass 2
- Lineal CC Theme
- MASQNextUp
- NextUP 2 beta
- No3DTouchWidgets
- Alkaline
- AppSync Unified
- Batchomatic
- Bloders
- CallBlocker
- Carbon Dark Mode
- ChargeAnimations
- ColorPickers app
- CoverArtExplorer’DarkSounds
- Envoy
- FacebookDarkMode
- Flame
- HUD Customizer
- iCleaner Pro
- iThemer
- Lineal CC Theme
- Lineal Music Controls
- MASQSpotify
- No Page Bounce
- NoMoreDisabled
- Appcake
- AppStore++
- BetterCCXI
- Boxy 3
- Cannabis Bokeh
- Chatends
- CocoTop
- CoolCC
- Copic2
- Deezelife
- ExactTime
- FilzaPlus
- Flipconvert
- Groovify
- Icon Renamer
- LetMeblock
- MagmaPro
- MASQMusic
- Messenger++
- MiscSettingd
- NewTerm2
- NiceNotes
- Notchification
- NoMoreFBStories
- OpenNotifier12 – tateu
- PhotoRes+
- PowerModule
- ReProvision
- SafeShutdown
- ScramblePass
- SelectionPlus
- Snapper 2
- SpringSounds
- StautsFolder
- SuperRecoder X+
- System info
- TypeStatus 2
- Watusi 2 for WhatsApp
- Notifica
- PalBreak
- Pimport
- QuayShift
- Rocket for Instagram
- Schmusic
- Search Widget
- SmartLPM
- SpotifyHistory
- Springtomize4
- StoreSwitcher 2
- SypeSelectionx
- Textyle
- Volume Amplifier
- Widget Weather 3
- OnlineNortify
- PhotoManager
- ProtraitXI
- Rainbow
- ReturnDismiss
- SCloudlife
- Shuffle
- SnapBack
- Spotilife
- Stalky
- Succession
- Switches
- Togglow
- XenHtml
Checkra1n Jailbreak Compatibility:Cydia Tweaks —
- Zebra
- Vibrato
- VideoPlayerRotable
- Glasklart
- AudioExplorer+
- CoverArtExplorer
- TagExplorer
- LyricsExplorer
- Spos for Spotify
- StatusSwitcher
- SwipeForMore
- SwipeSelection
- TapTapFlip
- TapticKeys
- TetherME
- TransparentDock
- Tweak Count 2
- Twttr Labs
- Ultrasound
- Watsui 2
- WhoNeedsDock
- Wifi Passwords
- Wraith
- Youtube ++
- YoutubeTools
Tweak Engine bound up for providing the latest version of all tweaks that available. All apps within Tweak Engine are 100% free and install with only the click of a button.
Use the below button to install Tweak Engine
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